A Short Guide to Helpful Resources on Scrum

Regardless of whether you are a student, a working professional, or simply a lifelong learner, if you are interested in learning about Scrum, and don’t know where to start, you may find the short guide listed below with links to essential resources helpful: Read the Agile Manifesto. One of the principles of “Agile Manifesto” is making sure team reflects on their effectiveness and adjusts it at regular intervals. Scrum applies this principle with the use of Sprint Retrospective.
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How I passed AWS SAA-C02 exam

Saw a message from GOUP community on Dec 18 (https://goupaz.slack.com/archives/CL62M4GKW/p1608325198000600) about SAA-C02 exam guide. Got interested and did some research to find out more about this exam. I decided that it would be a cool challenge to accomplish based on these criteria: it perfectly fits my current role of a Software Architect AWS is a leading cloud platform that is used by most companies it would be nice to showcase a badge on my LinkedIN profile there was an upcoming COVID shutdown in my country and I was bored Started to actually prepare for the exam starting from Dec 21.
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