Software Engineer Handbook

Original source in Azerbaijani: link Translator: Heller Vargas Abstract The way to the interview Programmer-engineer roles Different ways to avoid job interviews Companies career page Intra-company referral University or academic path Programming competitions or Olympiads Contributions to open sources Linkedin profile, Cover letter and Resume Interview process PHASE 1 - Telephone interview with an employee of the human resources department STAGE 2.1 - Technical stage (Homework) STAGE 2.
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How To Be a Front-End Engineer That Stands Out

Abstract Front-end web development is the practice of converting data to a graphical interface, through the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, so that users can view and interact with that data 1. If you take a look at the first-ever website2, you can come into conclusion that being a front-end developer used to be very easy in early stages of web development; you just had to write HTML, nothing more.
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